Prescription Fraud / Altering a Prescription

Altering a Prescription/Prescription Fraud?

Altering a Prescription/Prescription fraud and abuse in South Carolina is considered a MAJOR drug crime in South Carolina and can lead to serious consequences, including significant time behind bars!

Common drugs targeted for prescription drug prosecution include:

  • Painkillers including Hydrocodone, Lortab, Oxycodone, Percocet, and Oxycontin
  • Depressants such as Valium and Xanax
  • Stimulants including Ritalin and Dexedrine
  • Opioids including Codeine, Morphine, and Opium
  • Steroids including Anadrol, Oxandrin, Durabolin, and Equipoise as well as OTC drug abuse.

There are many different facts associated with every single case of altering a prescription/prescription fraud. Bubba Cromer Criminal Defense Attorney understands what you are going through, and he is here to help.

Whether you are charged with:

  • Prescribing or writing Illegal prescriptions,
  • Doctor Shopping or attempting to obtain drugs by fraud or deceit,
  • Illegally possessing prescription drugs,
  • Selling prescription drugs, or
  • Stealing or Forging Prescriptions for drugs,

If you have been arrested for altering a prescription/prescription fraud, Bubba Cromer, prescription fraud lawyer, has worked in the Solicitor’s office as well as served on the House Judiciary Committee, whose job it was to address many of the drug laws on the books today. Contact him today if you have been arrested.