Social Security Disability Benefits

In order to be eligible for Social Security Disability, you must have a “total disability.” This means that you must be unable to work because of a permanent injury, illness or medical condition. Your disability cannot be temporary — it must last more than one year or be fatal. Finally, you must have worked long enough and earned sufficient credits to be eligible for Social Security Disability.

If you are eligible for SSDI, you may receive:

  • A monthly financial payment that is based on the amount of money you made/paid in taxes before your disability
  • Medicare coverage, beginning two years after you started to received SSDI benefits

You may also receive financial help for a spouse who is over 62 or who cares for a young or disabled child, and your unmarried children who are under age 18 (or age 19, if in school) or who have a disability.

We can assist with your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits

Supplemental Security Income is available for disabled adults and children who are struggling financially. Worker’s Compensation and Social Security Attorney Bubba Cromer can help you work through the difficult financial formula to determine if you are eligible.

If you are eligible for SSI, you may receive:

  • A monthly payment based on your financial resources. In 2009-2010, the maximum federal benefit amount was $674 for an individual and $1,011 for a couple
  • Medicaid coverage

Let us help determine if you are entitled to Benefits During an Appeal

If you previously received Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income and the Social Security Administration determined that you were no longer eligible, you may ask for your benefits to continue while you bring an appeal. However, you must ask for the extension within 10 days of receiving the Social Security Administration’s letter.

You will not receive benefits during the appeal of an initial application. However, if you win your appeal, you may receive a lump sum that covers the amount you should have received during that time.